Britney Spears never ceases to amaze me with her ability to take her life to a new low. Between the pointless driving around town for smokes and Red Bulls with the paparazzi in tow, the slutty behavior with loser guys, the pregnancy test shopping, the AP having her obituary ready in case she passes away soon, etc., she has been a complete train wreck lately.
Here is what Britney Spears needs to do to get her life back together. America loves celebrities who turn themselves around (or even those who pretend to do so). If she would just take a shower, stop sleeping around so much, act like a good mother to her children and otherwise get her act together, she could be liked again.
She is a complete disaster.
Someone needs to talk some sense into her.
I would just like to say, that Britney is doing all of this on purpose…
She loves to get everyone worked up.
I read in an interview a few years ago, that the reason why she’d wear rediculous outfits,was because she could. She knew she’d get a rise out of people..
And if anyone is making Britney “Mentall Ill”
It would be the paporazii.. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes..
You do these things for popular demand or b/c you think the united states population wants to hear about it.. Just so you can make a dollar to have food on your table..
It’s actually very sickening..WHO CARES if Britney Shaved her head? WHO CARES if Britney wants to have another baby?
For all you know, since it’s been said by you paporazii before that Britney was Bisexual, maybe the guy she was dating that was married, JUST MAYBE the woman was involved too?
Who knows?
I’m so sick of you all tearing her apart. YOU are ruining Britney Spears, b/c you know the power you have on our Country.
You need to get a life, and a real job-instead of being STALKERS and hiding out to see if she grabs a cup of coffee on the way to buy a new Mercedes..
Anonymous #2, you're an idiot if you think we're ruining Britney, and your point makes no sense because initially you say she's playing us all to get a reaction, then that we're the reason she's a total mess. You can't have it both ways. She's a total disaster, and I hope she doesn't follow in the path of Heath Ledger and others like him.
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