Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lauren Conrad Dating Justin Bobby?

Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
8:20 PM
Labels: Audrina Patridge, Lauren Conrad, The Hills
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Spencer and Heidi to Marry on TV?

Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
5:39 AM
Labels: Heidi Montag, Lauren Conrad, Spencer Pratt, The Hills
Ridiculous Speculation Over the Demise of The Hills
Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
5:35 AM
Labels: Heidi Montag, Lauren Conrad, Spencer Pratt, The Hills
Preview of The Amazing Race 13
Friday, August 15, 2008
Entrepreuner Blog: The University Kid
TUK's entrepreneurial outlook is refreshing and sets it apart from other MMO blogs. The typical MMO post is "Here is a new affiliate program, I think it's great, please sign up for it under this link with my affiliate referral code so I can make money off of you, thank you very much." TUK's approach is to show different real world ways you can make money online, things like site flipping, domain flipping, get paid to offers, etc. He does it in a way that is enjoyable and not cheesy. Its entrepreneurial focus is different and positive.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Bachelor Matt Grant and Shayne Lamas on the Rocks

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Spencer Pratt Claims Lauren Conrad Sex Tape is Real
Link here.
Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
3:36 PM
Labels: Lauren Conrad, Spencer Pratt, The Hills
Friday, April 4, 2008
Brody Jenner, Jason Wahler Get Reality TV Shows

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Heidi Montag "Heidiwood" Sign Idea Nixed

Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Jason Priestley Racing Team
Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
8:47 PM
Labels: Beverly Hills 90210, Brandon Walsh, Jason Priestley
Lindsay Lohan Forced to Take Loan from Steve-O

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Next Season on The Hills: More of Spencer Pratt's Sister

Friday, January 25, 2008
The Hills Admits It Is Fake

Interview with Ali and Bette Sue (Pink Team) From Biggest Loser Couples

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Brody Jenner Denies Kissing Paris Hilton

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Paris Hilton Update

Beverly Hills 90210 Stars: Where Are They Now?

Monday, January 21, 2008
More Reaction to Gene Simmons' Firing on Celebrity Apprentice

CNBC has an interview with Gene Simmons done by Jim Cramer, who was a guest judge with Ivanka.
Perhaps I'm in the minority for liking Gene in general and on the Celebrity Apprentice in particular, as the blogosphere seems glad he's gone. See here, here and here, for example.
Here is a poll asking if people think Gene wanted to be fired.
Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
3:46 PM
Labels: Donald Trump, Gene Simmons, The Apprentice
Update on Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag

Friday, January 18, 2008
Donald Trump is an Idiot for Firing Gene Simmons

Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
6:35 AM
Labels: Donald Trump, Gene Simmons, The Apprentice
Britney Spears is a Mess

Are Spencer and Heidi Re-Engaged?

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Friday, December 28, 2007
Real World Hollywood

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt Break Off Engagement

Mischa Barton Drove While On Pot, Pills and Booze

Spencer Pratt Pretends to be Nice

Friday, December 14, 2007
The Sports Guy on Isaac from Real World Sydney

Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Bachelor: After the Final Rose Audience Seemed Surprised Another Bachelor Fails at Romance

Linda Divorcing Hulk Hogan Before Lawsuit Against Nick Drains Bank Account

Mary Beats The Crap Out of The Bachelor Byron
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Spencer Pratt is Full of Himself
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Jenni from The Bachelor's Resume

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne's Weird Assisted Suicide Pact

Question for Sharon: How will you tell if Ozzy has an illness that affects his brain? He's practically a vegetable already from decades of massive drug use.
Interview with Daniele from Big Brother 8

Rachel Ray's "So You Think You Can Cook"

Friday, September 28, 2007
Heidi Montag Denies That Implants are Revenge

While the headline on the cover of the new Us Weekly screams “Plastic Surgery Revenge,” Heidi told “Access” that a troubled body image led to her decision to undergo breast augmentation and a nose job. In fact, she revealed that she was shocked by the use of the word “revenge.” “It’s a headline and that’s what sells magazines,” Heidi conceded. “It’s not like, ‘Let’s get plastic surgery for fun.’ It was something that was really painful and tormenting for me throughout my life.”
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Big Brother Houseguests Paid $750 Per Week
This season, Jen confirmed that the stipend was $750 per week when she was considering refusing to go to the sequester house, and that’s been the standard stipend for nearly every season (for last year’s all-star season, the stipend was reported to have increased to $4,000 per week).
A jury member for Big Brother 8 would be in the house for 81 days as of Tuesday, the live finale. That’s 11.5 weeks, not including the time they spent sequestered before the series began. So, jury members would receive somewhere around $9,000 for their work, plus any prizes. America’s Player, Eric, earned $40,000 performing his tasks, for example, while Dustin took $5,000 during a competition. And, of course, there are the prizes: $500,000 for the winner, Dick, and $25,000 for the runner-up, Daniele.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Bachelor Andy Baldwin Moves on from Tessa Horst
Survivor Johnnie Fairplay and Girlfriend Expecting Baby

Friday, September 7, 2007
Wall Street Journal Column on Kid Nation
Let's start with the parents who dragged their little darlings into audition rooms in the first place and signed the yard-long contracts on their behalf. These "guardians" are now complaining about everything from too little oversight (resulting in at least one child drinking bleach) to too much oversight (some of the youngsters were reportedly fed scripted lines). Don't be surprised, though, if they hire a lawyer and start shaking down the network for some postcontractual compensation.
The whole controversy has been manna to one group, however--the Screen Actors Guild, which has been looking for an opportunity to clamp down on reality shows, in which nonunion amateurs are said to be stealing from the mouths of Hollywood's professional starving waiters. It's true that the $5,000 stipend paid to each child, which works out to less than $9 an hour, isn't exactly Dakota Fanning cash. But it's more than most 16-year-olds make from their summer jobs.
Reality TV has long been the nemesis of the unions, whose power depended on an entertainment oligopoly that itself is rapidly being blown up by the Internet, YouTube and the like. But if they want to know why shows like "Kid Nation" that at least attempt a family-friendly premise are catching on, here's a clue: A study from the Parents Television Council reported this week that sexual and violent content has climbed to record levels during traditional family programming time, but the most wholesome fare was the reality shows.
Nonetheless, the response to "Kid Nation" is unsurprising in a culture that increasingly tries to protect kids (and not just kids) from everything, including secondhand smoke and sugary bottled juices. The one thing you can't protect kids from is themselves. As the saying goes, kids are people too--with all the mischief included. If that ends up being the lesson of "Kid Nation," it might actually be a useful one.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Fall Reality TV Show Preview
Big Brother 8: Jessica and Jameka on the Block

Daniele and Evel Dick have another argument, this time over her occupation as a waitress. Jessica told a story about when she was young she was asked what she wanted to do when she was grown up, and her response was either President of the United States or a waitress. Dick made a joke equating that with a choice between being President or being a stripper. Daniele gave E.D. some attitude over that one.
Dick showed the old guy still has some game when Janelle from seasons 6 and 7 returned to the house for the Golden Power of Veto competition. He flirted her up big time. Janelle said that Dick smells good. I wouldn't think a chain smoking slob like him would smell good. Daniele wins POV (what else is new?) and in the end decides not to use it, keeping Zach's original choices of Jessica and Jameka on the block.
Thursday night is a special double eviction episode. Expect the unexpected.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Trump Wants Paris, Britney and Lindsay on The Apprentice

“We're negotiating with Britney right now.” The Donald told Page Six. (Doesn’t he know that’s almost enough to get a subpoena from K-Fed's lawyer?!) “Can you imagine her doing it? We're not sure what will happen. She's a [expletive] mess. And that little reality show she had did nothing. But she likes the idea of being on television and I think she'd be great.”
Apparently Paris Hilton wants in on the fun. “(She) wants to be on, and we're thinking about it, but I don't know if we're going to do it,” Trump said.
What about LiLo? “Another (expletive) mess,” said the blunt billionaire. “We haven't asked her yet, but I'm going to call her this week. It would be a positive thing for her to do … for all of them,” he boasted to Page Six.