So Colie finds out that Jen did Alex. But they both decided they they loooove each other and that their friendship is much stronger than either of their relationship with a guy. I mean, come on, Colie is going to be in Jen's wedding! That's what she said. Jen was so upset, I think more worried about getting caught than anything and she probably wouldn't have told Colie about the hot sex in the guest room. But then Colie saw the hickey on Jen's neck while she was showering. Yeah, girls do that, watch each other take a shower. Just like when we have slumber parties and have naked pillow fights, right. Anyway, they bonded over this issue. Alex and Colie talked it out. and I don't think Colie wants to be the desperate girl on the show. ( I like her better now) It's just that she likes Alex. So they talked and made a pact. Not to hook up with anyone the next day. Gosh, that's a committment. It was hilarious though. Alex took it back the next day.
I like the Tennesse girl. Colie, Jen and the TN girl went out. Colie picked up Nick, a dude in a bar. Brought him back to the house to make Alex jealous. It worked.
Nick told the TN girl that she didn't like him. TN girl said she liked him as long as he didn't F Colie. I like TN girl. She's a girl's girl. She has Colie's back and I kind of feel sad for her that's she's the third wheel. I hope Jen atleast asks her to read in her wedding. But seriously. I like her, she seems normal. Or seemed normal this time.
Poor Colie, just wants a boyfriend and Alex is really the only option for her. That's what she said.
Oh, one more thing. Check out this link. It gives 5 reasons why you're too old too be watching Real World.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Real World Denver: Study in Alex and Colie
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Danny Bonaduce's Meltdown in the Guest Room
2007 Amazing Race Will Be All-Star Cast

Dumb Reality Show Idea

Danny Bonaduce Moves Into the Guest Room
Monday, November 27, 2006
My fault for searching
the web. While surfing for more up to date opinions on the Bachelor, Studio 60 was ruined for me. I won't ruin it for you.
It's not going to last. Jen and Lorenzo. She's not Princess material. I mean come on. Like he's really a Prince. They seemed to all fall for it hook, line and sinker. Pitiful and redneckish. I expected more from Sadie.
Do you think Father Prince Borghese's accent was real? Nope.
The mom was a bit coocoo with the Palm Reading. But I do have to say, I'm a Pisces too-so I felt a bond with Jen and Sadie:)!
The Bachelor and the Virgin
I searched blogs to see who else is blogging about the Bachelor. I thought Michael, whoever he is, made a good point.
The Bachelor
SHOOOOOOCKED!!! I am floored. I was soooo wrong. How can I be so wrong?!?
Fine. If Lorenzo wants to spend the rest of his life with that girl and THAT VOICE! He made a big mistake.
My fellow blogger agreed with me. That Lorenzo was going to pick Sadie, but he said he wasn't shocked that he didn't. Whatever.
The Bachelor in 2007-what a tool. They all are, aren't they? I believe his exact words were "Gosh darn it"... he hopes he finds a wife or something like that.
Gosh Darn it, I never saw a bigger tool.
The Bachelor in Rome-Season Finale!!!
Get your wine ready and put your feet up. I bet you a year's subscription to NOLAMom that Lorenzo picks Sadie!!! Okay, NOLAMom is free but I still bet you.
Nate Voted Out on Survivor

Friday, November 24, 2006
Real World Denver: Good Stuff
I am waiting anxiously for Wednesday to come around again. I thought the premiere was good stuff and if it says anything about what the rest of the season will be like, it will be HOT.
Colie: At first I didn't like her but she grew on me throughout the show. Sometimes she's pretty, sometimes she's not but I think it's the voice that makes her come across as unattractive at times-nasally and whiny and kind of manly. I hope she doesn't turn into a Trishelle-needy and desperate. Although Trishelle will always be one of my favorites, I don't feel like revisiting her inadequacies.
The Southern Girl: Same thing, sometimes she looks great, others she comes across as kind of cheesy. I'm still not sure where she is going to fit into the picture.
African American Baptist: Reminds me of a boring Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bellaire. I am so over the "I don't believe in the homosexual lifestyle" scenario. Seen it all before.
Trampy Chick: She's going to be good for the show and the ratings. Instigating lesbian makeouts and what not.
Alex: Don't really find him very attractive.
Blond Baptist Gay Boy: Love him. He's the cutest one on the show and he's definitely fit.
Big African American Guy: He will hookup with someone in the house whether they want to believe it or not.
Can't wait to find out what other reality tv bloggers think of the group on the attractiveness scale. I wasn't impressed and I don't think there will be any in house love relationships other than the occasional hookups.
Interview with The Real World Producer
Real World Denver Premiere