Friday, December 28, 2007
Real World Hollywood

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt Break Off Engagement

Mischa Barton Drove While On Pot, Pills and Booze

Spencer Pratt Pretends to be Nice

Friday, December 14, 2007
The Sports Guy on Isaac from Real World Sydney

Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Bachelor: After the Final Rose Audience Seemed Surprised Another Bachelor Fails at Romance

Linda Divorcing Hulk Hogan Before Lawsuit Against Nick Drains Bank Account

Mary Beats The Crap Out of The Bachelor Byron
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Spencer Pratt is Full of Himself
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Jenni from The Bachelor's Resume

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne's Weird Assisted Suicide Pact

Question for Sharon: How will you tell if Ozzy has an illness that affects his brain? He's practically a vegetable already from decades of massive drug use.
Interview with Daniele from Big Brother 8

Rachel Ray's "So You Think You Can Cook"

Friday, September 28, 2007
Heidi Montag Denies That Implants are Revenge

While the headline on the cover of the new Us Weekly screams “Plastic Surgery Revenge,” Heidi told “Access” that a troubled body image led to her decision to undergo breast augmentation and a nose job. In fact, she revealed that she was shocked by the use of the word “revenge.” “It’s a headline and that’s what sells magazines,” Heidi conceded. “It’s not like, ‘Let’s get plastic surgery for fun.’ It was something that was really painful and tormenting for me throughout my life.”
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Big Brother Houseguests Paid $750 Per Week
This season, Jen confirmed that the stipend was $750 per week when she was considering refusing to go to the sequester house, and that’s been the standard stipend for nearly every season (for last year’s all-star season, the stipend was reported to have increased to $4,000 per week).
A jury member for Big Brother 8 would be in the house for 81 days as of Tuesday, the live finale. That’s 11.5 weeks, not including the time they spent sequestered before the series began. So, jury members would receive somewhere around $9,000 for their work, plus any prizes. America’s Player, Eric, earned $40,000 performing his tasks, for example, while Dustin took $5,000 during a competition. And, of course, there are the prizes: $500,000 for the winner, Dick, and $25,000 for the runner-up, Daniele.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Bachelor Andy Baldwin Moves on from Tessa Horst
Survivor Johnnie Fairplay and Girlfriend Expecting Baby

Friday, September 7, 2007
Wall Street Journal Column on Kid Nation
Let's start with the parents who dragged their little darlings into audition rooms in the first place and signed the yard-long contracts on their behalf. These "guardians" are now complaining about everything from too little oversight (resulting in at least one child drinking bleach) to too much oversight (some of the youngsters were reportedly fed scripted lines). Don't be surprised, though, if they hire a lawyer and start shaking down the network for some postcontractual compensation.
The whole controversy has been manna to one group, however--the Screen Actors Guild, which has been looking for an opportunity to clamp down on reality shows, in which nonunion amateurs are said to be stealing from the mouths of Hollywood's professional starving waiters. It's true that the $5,000 stipend paid to each child, which works out to less than $9 an hour, isn't exactly Dakota Fanning cash. But it's more than most 16-year-olds make from their summer jobs.
Reality TV has long been the nemesis of the unions, whose power depended on an entertainment oligopoly that itself is rapidly being blown up by the Internet, YouTube and the like. But if they want to know why shows like "Kid Nation" that at least attempt a family-friendly premise are catching on, here's a clue: A study from the Parents Television Council reported this week that sexual and violent content has climbed to record levels during traditional family programming time, but the most wholesome fare was the reality shows.
Nonetheless, the response to "Kid Nation" is unsurprising in a culture that increasingly tries to protect kids (and not just kids) from everything, including secondhand smoke and sugary bottled juices. The one thing you can't protect kids from is themselves. As the saying goes, kids are people too--with all the mischief included. If that ends up being the lesson of "Kid Nation," it might actually be a useful one.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Fall Reality TV Show Preview
Big Brother 8: Jessica and Jameka on the Block

Daniele and Evel Dick have another argument, this time over her occupation as a waitress. Jessica told a story about when she was young she was asked what she wanted to do when she was grown up, and her response was either President of the United States or a waitress. Dick made a joke equating that with a choice between being President or being a stripper. Daniele gave E.D. some attitude over that one.
Dick showed the old guy still has some game when Janelle from seasons 6 and 7 returned to the house for the Golden Power of Veto competition. He flirted her up big time. Janelle said that Dick smells good. I wouldn't think a chain smoking slob like him would smell good. Daniele wins POV (what else is new?) and in the end decides not to use it, keeping Zach's original choices of Jessica and Jameka on the block.
Thursday night is a special double eviction episode. Expect the unexpected.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Trump Wants Paris, Britney and Lindsay on The Apprentice

“We're negotiating with Britney right now.” The Donald told Page Six. (Doesn’t he know that’s almost enough to get a subpoena from K-Fed's lawyer?!) “Can you imagine her doing it? We're not sure what will happen. She's a [expletive] mess. And that little reality show she had did nothing. But she likes the idea of being on television and I think she'd be great.”
Apparently Paris Hilton wants in on the fun. “(She) wants to be on, and we're thinking about it, but I don't know if we're going to do it,” Trump said.
What about LiLo? “Another (expletive) mess,” said the blunt billionaire. “We haven't asked her yet, but I'm going to call her this week. It would be a positive thing for her to do … for all of them,” he boasted to Page Six.
The Hills Aftershow
Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
9:41 PM
Labels: Heidi Montag, Lauren Conrad, Spencer Pratt, The Hills
Big Brother 8: Jameka and Jen on the Block
Monday, August 20, 2007
Tonight's "The Hills"

See the poll on the right. Who is a bigger loser -- Spencer or Justin-Bobby? I can't decide for sure. I guess I'll go with Justin-Bobby because Spencer at least (presumably) showers more frequently.
I watched this show live rather than on Tivo, and I have to say, MTV's commercial breaks are unwatchable, more than regular tv.
Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
9:47 PM
Labels: Heidi Montag, Lauren Conrad, Spencer Pratt, The Hills
Paris Hilton to Star in Celebrity Big Brother in UK

K-Fed to Star on One Tree Hill

The Next Bachelor: Texas Bar Owner Brad Womack

Cease and Desist Letter Over Big Brother Airplane Banners
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Amber and Jameka on the Block
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Geek Gets Tattoos of Favorite Bloggers
Real World Sydney

Spencer Pratt is a Loser

Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
2:49 PM
Labels: Heidi Montag, Lauren Conrad, Spencer Pratt, The Hills
Newport Harbor
Memo to Dustin: The Pawn Always Goes Home

Top Chef Update

Spencer Gives Heidi a Fake Ring

Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
7:19 AM
Labels: Heidi Montag, Lauren Conrad, Spencer Pratt, The Hills
Bachelor Engagement Called Off

Criss Angel and Britney Spears?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Newport Harbor Starts Tonight
Monday, August 13, 2007
Don't Forget The Hills Starts Tonight
Posted by
Reality TV News Blog
5:53 AM
Labels: Heidi Montag, Lauren Conrad, Spencer Pratt, The Hills
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Big Brother: Kail and Nick on the Block

Daniele and Nick have taken their flirting to the next level. He has been all up in her grill about how much he likes her, and they finally made out, loudly I might add, last week.
Dustin, the new Head of Household, wants to target Jen, Kail, Zach and Nick. He seems to be getting gayer and gayer every day. He cries uncontrollably after receiving a letter from his brother in the HOH room -- weird. Amber is a total mess and cries nonstop. Everyone dislikes Zach and leaves the area whenever he is around.
Dustin nominates Jen and Kail, telling Kail she's a pawn and that he really wants Zach gone. Jameka wins the Golden Power of Veto, but the story of the competition is everyone getting mad at Dustin for taking a trip to Barbados and $5,000 in cash rather than winning POV. What idiots. He is the HOH. He shouldn't care that much about the POV to where he turns down a free trip and cash. Jameka claims that she will play for Jen because God wants her to, and she stays true to her (bizarre) word and takes Jen off the block. As Dick says, does she think God has nothing better to do than to worry about Jameka playing a game for some skanky chick.
Dustin puts Nick up, so Nick or Kail will be eliminated on Thursday.
Age of Love: Amanda Wins

Scott Baio is 45 and Single

Rock of Love: Degenerates

Hell's Kitchen: Bonnie Versus Rock

Pirate Master Axed; Cast Member Commits Suicide

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Big Brother 8: Kail and Mike on the Block

Dick went from the chopping block to the Head of Household room, winning HOH after the elimination vote.
Nick is gay. He has a list of his top five guys he'd like to have sex with "if I was gay." He told Daniele that he doesn't have a list of top five girls because he replaced all five with her when he met her. I don't think he ever really had a girl list. No straight guy has a contingency list of guys he wants to be with just in case he switches teams.
Dick nominated Kail because she lied to him and voted for him to be eliminated and Jen because she put him on the block. Dick tells everyone in the house over and over, including Kail, that he wants Kail evicted. Jen won power of veto, and Dick put Mike up for eviction. Mike was the only one working with Kail against Dick during the POV competition. Eventually, Dick gave up and told Mike he was going on the block -- "Welcome to the block."
Daniele tells Dick he's irritating everyone in the house being so angry. They argue, and he offers to go to family counseling after the show is over.
Eric has two nipple piercings.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Victoria Beckham: Please Leave America

Posh likes to hang out by the pool in weird black outfits with her makeup artist and hair stylist -- they accompany her everywhere. She seems to go out of her way to be followed by the paparazzi, no doubt having her assistants tip off the paparazzi to her every move, yet on camera pretends to complain about them. I mean let's face it, this is Posh Spice -- you're not that big a deal.
She visited Perez Hilton and, in response to his question, denied that Tom Cruise is trying to convert them to Scientology. Yeah right. Tom Cruise isn't hanging out with you because he likes you -- there's no doubt a deal that they'll pretend to just be friends to make it seem more normal to the public and then, bam, they'll be forced to announce to the world that they've joined the cult and tell us all how great Scientology is. You heard it here first. The second the paparazzi starts getting a little thin around Posh's new house, she'll play the Scientology card to put herself back in the spotlight.
Posh went to a Beverly Hills ladies luncheon. The old ladies with way too much plastic surgery made Posh look like an intellectual. She was horribly awkward at the Dodgers game. She throws not like a girl but like a shot putter. She couldn't seriously have been trying to throw the ball.
Fat Guys Win on Top Chef

For the elimination challenge, the contestants had to cook latin food for Telemundo tv "stars." Howie decided to use pork again, and Joey questioned Howie's overuse of pork dishes. The time allowed was cut in half at the last minute unexpectedly. The other fat guy, Howie, won. The judges expressed concern over Hung's attitude. In the end, Lia was told to "please pack your knives and go."
Next week's guest judge is Rocco DiSpirito, of The Restaurant infamy.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Big Brother Update

Dick suggests that Daniele has an eating disorder. That's obvious, but she probably doesn't need her dad pointing it out on national television. I predict that her eating disorder will come to fruition on the show and that the houseguests will try to intervene.
decides to keep the fact that she's a Joe and Dustin continue to debate the gonorrhea issue. Kail decides to keep the fact that she is a multibusiness owner a secret. Somehow, I have a feeling that none of her businesses are all that successful. Her terrible grammar should help keep her success a secret. She says, for example, that "three houseguests was not able to compete."
Jen has a massive meltdown over her stupid picture on the wall. She keeps crying that she's never taken a worse picture, and she covers it with paper. Dick is a huge name dropper. In a great sequence, they show clip after clip of him dropping names. Did you know he's been to dinner with Cher? Whoop tee doo. Mike, Kail, Zach and Nick form an alliance. In the first food competition, the girls do not want Dick touching them. Can't blame them. Kail nominates Carol and Amber out of what she calls a "spirit of fairness." Amber, a major whiner, doesn't think Kail should have put her up because they're both mothers. Amber has a major meltdown over her nomination. She needs to pull herself together more. It's only a tv show, honey. She's kind of a skank.
Evil Dick wears black nail polish. Jen tells people that Nick tried to kiss her. She wears great t-shirts with sayings like Jenuine, I'm a Jenius, Jenth Degree and I'm a Member of Jensa. Daniele wins the first power of veto but chooses not to use it.
They show Eric's family and friends. They are not happy that he's America's Player out of concern that this will throw off his game strategy. He loves the show and has always wanted to be on it. He's one of the few houseguests who is not an out of work actor or model trying to make a name for himself.
Carol is voted out, and Jen wins Head of Household. Jen was the only person to vote to evict Amber. Everyone in the house hates Jen, so they're not happy she's HOH. Zach, Mike and Dustin play a drinking game where they each take a drink every time Jen says the word "I." They do this in front of Jen, and she's too self-absorbed to catch on. In the HOH room, Jen has a minor meltdown that the pictures provided aren't better shots of her, putting the only picture with her mother in a drawer. You can tell she's pissed that they didn't fill the room with her cheesy modeling glamor shots.
Nick continues to flirt with Daniele. He gives her the key to his suitcase and calls it the key to his heart. Lame-o. Dick continues to attack Jen as much as he can. He doesn't hold much back with her, calling her an inconsiderate bitch and saying he'll make her the most miserable bitch in the house. Jen nominates Dick and Daniele, citing the "negative atmosphere" they bring to the house.
Daniele points out, rightly, that Jen is just jealous, or should I say Jenlous, that Nick wants Daniele over Jen. Mike and Zach are worried that Nick is too p-whipped by Daniele. Amber is a mess over the Power of Veto competition because she has to compete. Jameka tells her to pull herself together. Daniele once again wins POV and takes herself off the block. As part of the POV, Jen has to wear a skin tight unitard for a week, which she loves. Jen puts Joe up in Daniele's spot, so on Thursday, it's Evil Dick or Joe who will be evicted.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Big Brother Houseguests' MySpace Links
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Melrose Place Update

Top Chef Star Padma Lakshmi and Salman Rushdie are Divorcing

I can't mention Salman Rushdie's name without thinking of Kramer in that Seinfeld episode.
The 60-year-old "Satanic Verses" author and the 36-year-old former model were married in 2004 in New York City. It was his fourth marriage.
"Salman Rushdie has agreed to divorce his wife, Padma Lakshmi, because of her desire to end their marriage," the couple's rep told Reuters. "He asks that the media respect his privacy at this difficult time."
News of the Rushdie-Lakshmi divorce comes just weeks after several momentous events for the couple. On June 16, Rushdie was awarded a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth, 18 years after the Ayatollah Khomeini proclaimed a fatwa on the author, leading to a breakdown in diplomatic relations between the United Kingdom and Iran. Just days earlier, Bravo premiered "Top Chef: Miami," Lakshmi's second season as host.
Rushdie's novels include the Booker Prize-winning "Midnight's Children," "The Satanic Verses," "The Ground Beneath Her Feet" and, most recently, "Shalimar the Clown."
In addition to her "Top Chef" gig, Lakshmi has written several bestselling cook books, including most recently Tangy, Tart, Hot and Sweet: A World of Recipes for Every Day, and appeared in the feature "Glitter."
Big Brother 8 First Episode

The first episode began with 11 of the houseguests entering the house. Three houseguests were already in an upstairs room where they watched the other 11. The big twist this season is that three sets of guests know each other and have unresolved issues from the past.
Joe, the male receptionist from Chicago who happens to be gay, had a bad breakup with Dustin. Dustin is isolated in the upstairs room and tells America that Joe has gigantic nipples. Joe later reveals that he "immaculately conceived gonorrhea" from Dustin. Good times. These two are such drama queens they make Marcellas from Big Brothers 3 and 7 look macho. I see Joe and Dustin cat fighting for two or three weeks, after which if they are both still in the house they will make up and rekindle their relationship. You heard it here first.
Evil Dick is a 44 year old freak. His 20 year old daughter Daniele is in the house. Dick seems completely unconcerned that he is estranged from his daughter and actively roots against her in the Head of Household competition, cheering when she is eliminated. You would think that a father, even one who is not close to his daughter, would at least want her to win, or to come in second if he wins. Not Evil Dick. Hey, Dick, it's time to grow up, stop getting ugly tattoos, pull the earrings out of your ears and eyebrows and be nice to your daughter.
Carol and Jessica had a dispute over $5 years ago and have been enemies ever since. Their dislike for each other seems a little fake.
Eric is "America's Player," meaning that the viewers secretly control what he does in the house.
Kail won the HOH competiton.